Fallcount - The Last Axe'nin

You are a thirty year old man, belonging to a mafia gangcalled "The Axe'nin"  however you wake up in a stranded house finding your best friend and leader dead with theirheads choped off.  The year is 2120, and the whole world is nothingbut a desert with nuclear waste and mutants (Very Much Like Fallout).You were always the weak link to the mafia group.  You want to try to findthe others, but you have no memory or idea what happend.  You venture anentertaining RPG world in this small book.  There are many choices, and some comidy.There are over five choices in three pages.Now time for you to find out what happend and recall your memory!

Date de début: 
Samedi, 4 Janvier, 2014
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